My first attempt was not so satisfactory:

  • Repetition: I had to enter the title twice, once in slugified form.
  • Irritating: the cursor ended up in the wrong place.
  • Too many moving parts: org-capture is a huge functions and I was hardly using any of its functionality.

Better then to start again and, being unable to sleep this morning, that is what I did. This time, my approach was to use yasnippet to harvest the title and construct the righteous file from that.

Here is the snippet:

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: new-post
# key: new-post
# --
title: ${1:title$(if yas-moving-away-p (blog-post-jekyll-create-file yas-text))}
description: $2
date: `(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T %z")`
tags: $3


We create a buffer with a temporary name and call the snippet:

(defun blog-post-new-post ()
  "Create a new jekyll post."
  (switch-to-buffer "*post*")
  (yas-expand-snippet (yas-lookup-snippet "new-post")))

Having entered the title of the post, hit TAB amd blog-post-jekyll-create-file uses the title to make a file with a jekyll-compliant name and associates our buffer with it.


(defun blog-post-jekyll-generate-filename (title)
  "Create a Jekyll-compliant filename from TITLE."
  (let* ((slug (s-join "-"
			(downcase (s-replace-regexp "[^[:alnum:]]" "" it))
			(s-split-words title))))
	 (time (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
	 (filename (format "" time slug))
	 (path (file-name-concat blog-post-jekyll-post-directory filename)))

(defun blog-post-jekyll-create-file (title)
  "Create a file for a post from TITLE using current buffer."
  (let ((path (blog-post-jekyll-generate-filename title)))
    (set-visited-file-name path)))

All of this is pretty comfortable. I can see a couple of things to do later:

  • A completing-read way to insert links to other posts.
  • A way to change time-stamps in file and filename at once: we are currently recording the time I started the post not when I finished it!