Update: Look here for a better take on this.

Jekyll is kind of particular about the format of filenames for blog posts. It must be of the form:


Much better to have the machine take care of that sort of thing and, since I live in emacs, let us leverage the org-capture mechanism to make it happen.

There are two things you need to know about org-capture:

  1. The target file need not be an org file.
  2. You can use a function to compute the target file-name.

First we declare the target directory where posts live:

(defvar my/jekyll-post-directory
  "Directory containing blog posts.")

Now a function to compute the name of a new post and find (open) it:

(defun my/jekyll-new-blog-entry ()
  "Create new blog post file."
  (let* ((time (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
	 (title (read-string "Title: "))
	 (filename (format "%s-%s.md" time title)))
	  (file-name-concat my/jekyll-post-directory filename))))

Finally, make a template and add it to org-capture-templates:

(push '("b"
	"Blog entry"
	(function my/jekyll-new-blog-entry)
	"---\nlayout: post\ntitle: %?\ntags: \n---\n"
	:immediate-finish t
	:jump-to-captured t)
  • The plain at line 3 says that this is not an org file.
  • Line 4 says to use my/jekyll-new-blog-entry to get the file.
  • The last two lines of the template tell org to by-pass the usual capture buffer and just give me the file buffer to write in.

This is not perfect yet. Point is left at the top of the buffer despite the %? in the template, for example. But it will totally do for now!